Champions Edge Tournament Series:

Quest for the Best U

The goal of QBU is to take each one of you through a journey of self-improvement and provide the opportunity for you to demonstrate your improvement to yourself and others. The series consists of 2 meets throughout this year designed to showcase your fitness, self-defense, and character. Each meet has a specific focus on skills and abilities that you are developing during class.

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17


Traditional Kata

Competitors in the Traditional Kata category will perform a rank-appropriate Ju-Ki-Do system kata.

Traditional Weapons Kata

(Green Belts and Above)
Competitors in the Traditional Weapons Kata category will perform a traditional weapon kata with a single traditional weapon.

Traditional Bunkai

Competitors in the Traditional Bunkai category will demonstrate a rank-appropriate traditional kata with full self-defense application.

Partner Self-Defense

Competitors in the Partner Self-Defense category will demonstrate three (3) self-defense techniques with their partner.

Traditional Board Breaking

(Green Belts and Above)
Competitors in the Board Breaking category will have up to 180 seconds to set up, present, perform, and clean up their breaks.

Creative Board Breaking

(Green Belts and Above)
Competitors in the Board Breaking category will have up to 180 seconds to set up, present, perform, and clean up their breaks.

Creative Kata

(Green Belts and Above)
Competitors in the Specialty/Creative Kata category will perform a kata of their own design with music.

Creative Weapons Kata

(Green Belts and Above)
Competitors in the Specialty/Creative Weapon Kata category will perform a weapon kata of their own design with music.

Team Kata

Teams of 3 or more in the Team Kata category will perform a kata as a team of their own design at a rank-appropriate level with music.


Competitors in the Kicknastics category will present a combo of at least 5 kicking techniques.

Monkey Roll Set

Monkey Rolling is a competitive performance event in which competitors are required to demonstrate the fluid agility required to complete the Monkey Roll Set. 

Point Sparring

Competitors in the Point Sparring category will simulate striking combat in a controlled environment. The objective is to strike the opponent in legal target areas while defending their own target areas. 

Katana Sparring

Competitors in the Katana Sparring category will demonstrate the practical application of an approved weapon of choice ( action flex ) in a controlled environment.

Tail Grab

Competitors in the Tail Grab category will demonstrate their evasiveness by keeping their opponent away from their tail.


Competitors in the Grappling category will use techniques, maneuvers, and counters to an opponent in order to gain a physical advantage, such as improving relative position, escaping, or submitting the opponent. 


Competitors in the Judo category will compete to be the first one to get an ippon. They can do this by either being the first one to get a takedown or to hold the opponent down.

Ball Defense

Competitors in the Ball Defense category will use martial arts ground techniques to defend or remove the ball from a ring.